Why is eating seasonal fruits important for health.

It is wrong to presume that only costly fruits like pomegranate, grapes, apple etc have better health promoting properties. Seasonal fruits like Eugenia Jambolana (Jamun), Bael (Wood Apple), Capegooseberry (Makoya), Falsa (Grewia Asiatica) and Papaya are high in nutritional benefits and should not be considered as inferior fruits.  In reality these cheap fruits carry high nutritional value and comprise of rich dietary as they contain a large store of essential vitamins and mineral salts. At the same time they work as good alternatives to the respective seasonal defects. Owing to their cheapness both rich and poor can benefit by their high nutritional value. Practically there seems to exist a silent wink of nature to encourage the use of fruits that grow abundantly in particular season.


Sages have advised to eat seasonal fruits abundantly as they grow. Non seasonal fruits can only satisfy the sense of taste but cannot promote health and happiness. Thus when particular fruits grow abundantly in a certain season it should be concluded that the Almighty wishes us to enjoy them in that season.